๐ŸญWave Factory

Wave Factory is the contract projects can use to deploy their custom campaigns. You can find the full code for the Wave Factory contract in our public repo.

Deploying a campaign

Every wallet can deploy a campaign contract by calling the deployWave() function on the Factory contract. The function takes as parameters:

  • _name(string): the name of the contract (which will be the name of the NFT collection)

  • _symbol(string): the symbol of the ERC-721 contract

  • _baseURI(string): the base URI of the folder which contains the NFT metadata

  • _startTimestamp(uint256): unix timestamp of campaign start time

  • _endTimestamp(uint256): unix timestamp of campaign end time

  • _isSoulbound(bool): if true, the NFT released won't be transferrable

  • _claimRewards(TokenRewards[]): array with the info for FCFS ERC-20 rewards

  • _raffleRewards(TokenRewards[]): array with the info for raffle ERC-20 rewards

where the TokenRewards struct is defined as follows:

  • rewardsLeft(uint256): number of rewards still to be assigned

  • amountPerUser(uint256): amount of specified token distributed on each release

  • token(address): address of the reward ERC-20 token

WARNING: this page is for technical reference only, a contract deployed by calling directly the deployWave() function will NOT be supported by Tide frontend. If you are a project and you want to launch a campaign we suggest to use our campaign creation tool.

Last updated